

I’ve Seen Firsthand How PEPFAR Works

As a medical missionary, I use PEPFAR-funded meds to save unborn babies, new mothers, and fellow church members from needless, ugly deaths from AIDS.


Public Theology Project

The Moral Cost of Murdering Ukraine

What’s at stake is not just the survival of nations. It’s the consciences of those who align themselves with what is unquestionably wrong.

The Bible’s Challenge to Technofans and Technophobes

In Scripture, the wicked drive technological progress. But the righteous often redeem it.

Spiritual Growth: There’s an App for That

Megachurch pastor Tim Timberlake wants you to find intimacy with God on your phone.

You Will Have to Reckon with Despair

The question is not if but when and how—and whether you will reckon with Christ.


Why Christians Fast During Lent

An excerpt on generosity and solidarity from “Hunger for Righteousness: A Lenten Journey Towards Intimacy with God and Loving our Neighbor.”


The Best Books for Christian Men Aren’t Always About Being Men

Some should tiptoe onto gender-role battlegrounds. But most should stay on safer scriptural turf.

Why We Still Root for Biblical Antiheroes

The “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11 doesn’t praise what we think it praises.

The Russell Moore Show

A Poet and a Preacher: A Conversation with David Whyte

The renowned wordsmith invites conversation through biology, beauty, and the Bible.

Being Human

USAID’s Demise, Fighting Malaria, and Being the Church with Nathaniel Moller

The former USAID worker says this is a time for Christians to act in hope and love.

The Russell Moore Show

Moore to the Point: Onward Christian Strangers

Russell shares a word for the discouraged Christian.

Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The Witchmobile

Nixon’s downfall paved the way for a new era of American politics and spiritual turmoil.

The Magazine

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Even amid scandals, cultural shifts, and declining institutional trust, we at Christianity Today recognize the beauty of Christ’s church. In this issue, you’ll read of the various biblical metaphors for the church, and of the faithfulness of Japanese pastors. You’ll hear how one British podcaster is rethinking apologetics, and Collin Hansen’s hope for evangelical institutions two years after Tim Keller’s death. You’ll be reminded of the power of the Resurrection, and how the church is both more fragile and much stronger than we think from editor in chief Russell Moore. This Lent and Easter season, may you take great courage in Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18—“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”


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Stories of Christian conversion


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Church Life

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Browse the Archives

Mid-life Crisis? Bah, Humbug!

It is easy to look at the future in a rearview mirror, but that always leads to a collision.

Elisabeth Elliot on the Christian Father

Examining the male parent’s role.

Cover Story

Bill and Vonette Bright’s Wonderful Plan for the World

Evangelicalism’s power couple closes in on their radical mission.

CT Classic: Madeleine L’Engle on Allegory and Prayer

“It seemed ironic and unfair that just as I was turning closer to God, I couldn’t sell anything I wrote.”

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