

Meet the Non-Christian Fans of The Chosen

“I had goose bumps all over my body, and I didn’t know why but I felt so emotional.”

Yesterday, Today, and Forever 21

Even the yellow plastic bags will someday fade. But the verse they shared is eternal.


Religious Violence Has Nothing on Secular Violence

People have killed in the name of faith. But the bloodier record belongs to regimes that tried blotting it out.

Ukrainian Children Are Not Expendable

Bureaucratic efficiency is no excuse for ignoring the vulnerable.

Public Theology Project

Don’t Deport the Constitution

Criminals who are in America illegally should be sent away. But the rule of law, though fallible, must be preserved.

Immigration’s Complicated Costs for My Town—and My Soul

Border regions like mine have absorbed so many new residents so quickly. I want to welcome them and to be honest about what I see.


Why a Democracy Advocate in Putin’s Russia Didn’t Fear Death

Alexei Navalny’s memoir testifies to the political power of the Resurrection.

Being Human

Addiction as a Spiritual Journey with Ian Cron

Ian Cron and Steve Cuss explore sin, spiritual insights, and authenticity in addiction.

The Russell Moore Show

Moore to the Point: Deporting John Calvin

The rule of law is fallible, but it’s a good idea—one we can’t afford to deport.

The Bulletin

The Gang’s All Here

The Bulletin talks about the Department of Defense security leak in a text thread, Venezuelan deportations, and Snow White. 

The Russell Moore Show

Life, Leadership, and Lament: A Conversation with Mark Vroegop

The author, pastor, and president of The Gospel Coalition speaks on God working all things together for good.

The Magazine

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Even amid scandals, cultural shifts, and declining institutional trust, we at Christianity Today recognize the beauty of Christ’s church. In this issue, you’ll read of the various biblical metaphors for the church, and of the faithfulness of Japanese pastors. You’ll hear how one British podcaster is rethinking apologetics, and Collin Hansen’s hope for evangelical institutions two years after Tim Keller’s death. You’ll be reminded of the power of the Resurrection, and how the church is both more fragile and much stronger than we think from editor in chief Russell Moore. This Lent and Easter season, may you take great courage in Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18—“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”


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Christianity Today magazine was born in 1956; enjoy a selection of our classics and cover stories.

The End Is Not the End

C. Everett Koop on death and dying.

Christianity and Scientific Concerns

Six evangelical scholars–including C. Everett Koop–in a panel discussion on technology and bioethics.

The Embattled Career of Dr. Koop

Despite political pressures, the surgeon general was out to fight disease, not people.

How Faith Works

The volcanic issue of “Lordship Salvation” is still emitting the smoke and fumes of controversy.

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