

Syria Massacre Leaves Christians Asking If They’re Next

Islamists didn’t target the church in the violence that killed more than 1,000, but the community is on edge.



A New Guide to What the Church Has Always Said About Sex

A book for young adults from Louise Perry explores a third way on sexual ethics that rejects gender ideology and cribs from long-standing Christian teaching.

The Man Tackling the Masculinity Crisis

Jason Wilson’s rite of passage for young Detroit men is helping them become spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy.

‘Mickey 17’ Laughs at Hope

The new film from Bong Joon-ho smirks at scientific hubris, political corruption, and any attempt to make things better.

‘Come as You Are’ Is Not a Slogan for the Church

Stanley Hauerwas meditates on the necessity of the gospel, the politics of the kingdom, and the high demands of sanctification.

The Anti-Gospel of American Politics

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave specific instructions for embodying his story with our lives. None of it “works” in this political climate.


The Legal Hurdles Killing the American Dream

Most evangelicals want undocumented immigrants to have a path to citizenship. But ICE detentions, years-long court backlogs, and a growing lawyer shortage can make it feel impossible.

The Russell Moore Show

Dr. Moore Answers Listener Questions: When to Break a Relationship, How to Forgive, and What to Do About Church Craziness

Russell Moore and Ashley Hales, CT’s editorial director for print, respond to listeners.

Being Human

Down the Rabbit Hole with Charlie Peacock

The jazz artist and Grammy-winning producer reflects on his life in the musical fast lane.

The Russell Moore Show

Moore to the Point: Ukraine and Abel

Look at biblical truths to examine the moral and spiritual cost of abandoning Ukraine.

The Russell Moore Show

A Poet and a Preacher: A Conversation with David Whyte

The renowned wordsmith invites conversation through biology, beauty, and the Bible.

The Magazine

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Even amid scandals, cultural shifts, and declining institutional trust, we at Christianity Today recognize the beauty of Christ’s church. In this issue, you’ll read of the various biblical metaphors for the church, and of the faithfulness of Japanese pastors. You’ll hear how one British podcaster is rethinking apologetics, and Collin Hansen’s hope for evangelical institutions two years after Tim Keller’s death. You’ll be reminded of the power of the Resurrection, and how the church is both more fragile and much stronger than we think from editor in chief Russell Moore. This Lent and Easter season, may you take great courage in Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18—“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”


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Browse the Archives

Christianity Today magazine was born in 1956; enjoy a selection of our classics and cover stories.

The End Is Not the End

C. Everett Koop on death and dying.

Christianity and Scientific Concerns

Six evangelical scholars–including C. Everett Koop–in a panel discussion on technology and bioethics.

The Embattled Career of Dr. Koop

Despite political pressures, the surgeon general was out to fight disease, not people.

How Faith Works

The volcanic issue of “Lordship Salvation” is still emitting the smoke and fumes of controversy.

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